
I joined the Wealth Standard PLUS the 2-Week Intensive and the Options for Income courses. Now I get the opportunity to write for 19 Keys!

I joined the Wealth Standard PLUS the 2-Week Intensive and the Options for Income courses. Now I get the opportunity to write for 19 Keys!

by Nicole Frugé (deladivine.com)

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Writing has always been a part of me but I got so caught up in survival mode and never dedicated any time to writing. In fact, I used to get into MAJOR trouble as a young girl for the content of writing I would do (erotica). 

My writing would go "viral" and next thing you knew, everyone in the school had made a handwritten copy of all 8 pages or so of my stories. I was discouraged from writing because I would, of course, be reprimanded and criticized harshly.


After being apart of the Wealth Standard for a month, I decided that the information I was provided was valuable enough to upgrade my education and I joined the 2 Week intensive course.

At the end of one of the classes, I took the initiative to create some writings that explained how I felt about the context of the class. It comes so naturally I was able to knock out a full 3 articles in an hour.

PLUS, I was feeling good off that Smart Moss vitamin Keys and nem be selling lol 

Click here to order now. If you need to be able to get full focus on a task, SMART MOSS and GOLDEWATER are a dynamic duo. Emotional trauma caused me to have clouded judgment and lack of focus. This really helped me get laser beam focused!


Anyway, I was able to leverage my authentic ability to connect via writing and I landed this opportunity to write for 2 amazing teachers!

This network has given me the opportunity, not only to learn skills that I can use forever, but to be able to write for 2 of the greatest teachers I have gotten the opportunity to learn under, Chris Cole and 19 Keys. 

I have followed Keys for YEARS and I never imagined that I would be able to write for his blog.


I can't imagine how far this will go but one thing I will say will happen for sure.

I'm going to give it all I got!

You can find my featured posts every Monday at 2 Pm EST right here by clicking blog in the menu and be sure to check out my personal website Here

Introduce yourself to the world! Tell me in the comments what you do and where you're from. I'm a trader and writer that specializes in content about economy, mindset, and femininity and I am from Houston, TX!

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